For full information concerning non-ferrous metal prices on London metal exchange, please, follow this link
For full information concerning official exchange rates in Bulgaria, please, follow this link
Important notice
* Graphs llisted above show prices on Ask bid for the last 30 days on market;
** Listed prices are for closed deals in Closing range;
Additional info
The LME publishes a variety of prices of non-ferous metals and reports covering all contracts traded on the Exchange. The LME’s products are differentiated by the timing of their delivery and range from real-time, where end users can receive streaming data messages, 30 minutes delayed, next day delayed, and historical data.
The data is offered as a subscription-based service and distributed through a range of licensed third party market data distributors or directly from the LME via LMElive and the LMEapp. These distributors range from specific data vendors to specialist industry publications and news providers.
Shanghai Metal Exchange Market = SHMET
Shanghai Metal Exchange Market (SHMET) is the most professional information provider for the metals industry in China. The Shanghai Spot Metal Prices were launched in May, 2000 by SHMET to offer authoritative and accurate price information for base metals (copper, aluminum, nickel, lead, zinc, tin and others), precious metals, minor metals, alloys, metal scraps, and other groups of metals in China. SHMET's comprehensive database has historical data for daily market transaction traced back to as far as 2000.
Along with London Metal Exchange (LME) and Shanghai Futures Exchange (SHFE), SHMET is one of the three most renowned institutions in the non-ferrous metals industry. Through its website and other professional channels, SHMET offers vast amounts of professional information and news in a timely fashion to meet the interests of its users in the finance and metal industries.
Non-ferrous Metal prices SHMET